Omron NJ1 Automation Controller
The Omron NJ1 Automation Controller aimed for compact machines for logic sequence and motion control.
Offering basic machine control, the NJ1 series is an entry level machine automation controller fully compatible with the existing NJ3/NJ5 Machine Automation Controllers.
For more information about Omron NJ1 Automation Controller contact More Control on 0345 00 00 400 or email at:
The Omron NJ1 is ideal for machines with a low number of motion axes, with two processors offering 2 physical axes, 4 virtual axes or none at all. Having the same concept, dimensions, general specifications, and functions, the NJ101 is ideal for machines without or with a low number of axes.
- Number of axes: 2
- Synchronized motion core
- Functions: Logic sequence and Motion
- Multi-tasking
- Built-in EtherCAT and EtherNet/IP ports
With architecture that can quickly incorporate the latest information communication technology (ICT), Sysmac offers a highly innovative manufacturing environment. It does this by creating a variety of application functionalities with software and by connecting with third party factory automation hardware and design tools such as 3D simulators Fastest cycle time: 1 ms
No other platform can manage Logic, Motion, Vision, and Safety from a single project with guaranteed interoperability.
The Sysmac NJ1 controllers provide new users with an introductory look into the full capabilities of Omron's Sysmac solutions, which can be all the way up to the NX7 multi-core controller, also recently introduced.
The Sysmac automation platform allows you to simplify your system architecture, reduce programming and optimise productivity.